
Art – Intent, Implementation, Impact

Art and Design provides the children with the opportunities to develop and extend skills and an opportunity to express their individual interests, thought and ideas allowing the children to value their uniqueness. Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Designed around the idea that art is far more than a series of technical skills, our holistic curriculum nurtures creative thinking skills and helps ensure our pupils learn through art, as well as about art.  As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. We encourage our children to ask questions about the artists they study.

We continue to develop our arts provision, teaching art and culture in both a discrete and cross-curricular manner. We provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their creativity across the curriculum. The teaching and implementation of the Art and Design Curriculum at Andrews’ Endowed CE Primary School is based on the National Curriculum to ensure a well-structured approach to this creative subject. The work of famous local, national and international artists, illustrators and architects are explored to enhance the children’s learning. 

“What is the purpose of art?”.   Opportunities are provided to our pupils to explore many different aspects of making.  This helps pupils and teachers understand the ways art connects us with our past, helps us embrace the present, and empowers us to shape our future.