Year 2
Year 2 is an exciting time in which our learners complete their Key Stage 1 experience and get ready for the Juniors. Our curriculum, environment and learning activities are designed to help learners make this transition successfully. In Year 2 we strive to make all children feel safe, secure and confident both in their learning and in their school life. We want our children to leave Year 2 feeling independent, motivated and having high expectations. We aim to achieve this through a curriculum that includes challenge, variety and fun. 
Our teacher is Mrs Evans and our teaching assistant in the mornings is Mrs Mateus. 

Class Letters

Please find below links to documents and parent letters that are specific to Year 2.

There are no documents here yet. Please check back closer to the summer term.

In Year 2, we are:


Year 2 don’t give up even when learning is hard. We like to be challenged and get absorbed in our learning.


We try to find things out for ourselves using the resources around us and link what we have already learnt to help us learn new things. We ask great questions and explore the answers.


We are reflective and think carefully about our learning using everyday experiences to help us. We can review and edit to improve our learning. We enjoy talking about the progress we are making and learn from our mistakes.


We can work independently but we are also good team players and good listeners. We can put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and can show empathy. We like to congratulate others on their ideas and achievements.

What do our pupils think?

My friends and I have been at Andrew’s Endowed for nearly 7 years now and it has never been dull from Maths to Science – every lesson is fun. The teachers are jolly, kind and always try to be funny, especially if someone cracks a joke. My two favourite lessons are D.T and Art because I am allowed to be so creative! 

Year 6 Pupil

During the 2  nd half term as Year 6, we get to be buddies for the children in our Reception class which we call Acorns. We help them to read, do maths and even help them in how to be good friends.  

Year 6 Pupil

I did not start Andrews’ Endowed from the first year of reception, but our teachers here at Andrews’ have welcomed everybody new or not new. We always have a lot of one to one chats with teachers for good reasons if we need someone to talk to. 

Year 6 Pupil

Class Documents

Please find below our class documents for 2022-2023

Homework in Year 2

Below you will find details of Weekly Homework Expectations, and the arrangements for setting and submitting homework.

We heartily thank parents and carers for their support with homework – it really does make a difference to your child’s progress!

A spelling list is sent home each week. Please practise these at least three times (or as often as necessary) before they are tested in school on a Wednesday.

Children should aim to read for at least 10 minutes daily – an ideal wind-down activity before sleep and quality time spent with Parents and Carers! Please complete the reading diary each time they read, with the title of the book and the page they have reached.

English and Maths homework is set on alternate weeks and will be sent home in paper form. This can then be uploaded on Google Classroom as a photo.