Looking for a school place for this current academic year (2023/24)?
We sometimes have a space in one or two of our current classes. If you are looking for a school for your child, please contact the school office on 01420 83094 to find out if we have any spaces in your child’s year group. To view the Admissions Policy for this current academic year, please follow the link below. We recommend that you come and view the school. Please book an appointment by contacting the school office on 01420 83094.
Please click on the link below to view our Admissions Policy for 2023

Looking for a school place for Reception for September 2024?
The main application round for places at the school for Reception 2024 will open in November 2023. We welcome enquiries and are happy to tell you all about our school. Please call the school office to register your interest on 01420 83094.
Please click on this link to visit our current virtual tour page.
AEP Admissions Policy 2024-25

Applying for a place under the Faith criterion
If you wish to apply for a place for your child under the Faith criterion, you will need to complete an additional form which will need to be countersigned by your vicar or priest. Please download the appropriate form from the links below. Once the form has been filled in and countersigned, please send the form into the school office. Please contact us if you have any questions.
AEP Admissions Policy SIF 2023-24AEP-
Ready to embark on an educational adventure, contact the school office to initiate the admissions process and join a community committed to nurturing young minds and fostering a love for learning.
In my opinion, Andrews’ Endowed is so important to me. I have gone to this school for 7 years and it has taken a huge impact on me. I’ve been going to this school for more than half of my life and I appreciate everything this school has to offer.
-Georgia Year 6
“One of the many great elements of Andrews’ Endowed is what a fantastic community they have built. This is made possible by the effort the school puts in to getting to know each child and their individuality.”
-Parent 2024