Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 at Andrews’ Endowed. During this year, we believe in learning through doing, developing a strong growth mindset which focuses on the courage to participate, challenge and explore further whilst working hard to
reach our potential. We believe strongly that we are able to build the foundations of life skills that will make an impact for our future. The World is important to us; so are the communities that we belong in. We try hard
to pass kindness on and to think about how we could help others.
Our teacher is Mr Paine and our LSA is Mrs Barwick who works with us each morning.
Class Letters
We hope the following information is useful for you as your child continues their journey through Year 4.
In Year 4, we:

We combine ideas and our learning to make new ideas, we imagine how we can change the world, we invent pieces of writing that takes us on different adventures, we perform our interpretations, we collect together information to achieve a more-rounded bigger picture. We are creators.
We recommend books for others to read, we rate our effort levels in our learning as we strive for Growth Mindset, we value each other’s opinions during philosophical questions, we decide on action that we want to take to help build our relationships with others. We are evaluators.
We produce high quality pieces of art after investigating artists, we complete our own research to develop our understanding and answer the questions we form, we engage in thoughtful discussions, we choose the most efficient strategy to complete a problem. We are analysers.
We reorder our thoughts linked to our rich reading texts, we articulate our thoughts on personal and social issues, we associate our learning with curiosity and questions, we extend a hand of friendship within our community. We are understanders.
We recollect memories from the past during our historical investigations, we remind ourselves that we are part of a global community, we identify where we can make a change. We are rememberers.
What do our pupils think?
My friends and I have been at Andrew’s Endowed for nearly 7 years now and it has never been dull from Maths to Science – every lesson is fun. The teachers are jolly, kind and always try to be funny, especially if someone cracks a joke. My two favourite lessons are D.T and Art because I am allowed to be so creative!
Year 4 Pupil
During the 2 nd half term as Year 6, we get to be buddies for the children in our Reception class which we call Acorns. We help them to read, do maths and even help them in how to be good friends.
Year 4 Pupil
I did not start Andrews’ Endowed from the first year of reception, but our teachers here at Andrews’ have welcomed everybody new or not new. We always have a lot of one to one chats with teachers for good reasons if we need someone to talk to.
Year 4 Pupil
Our Curriculum
The Topics that we will be learning about this year have been included. The knowledge organiser for each topic has also been included. The knowledge organisers include information that the children need to work to remember.

Autumn Term Documents

Spring Term Documents
Check back closer to Christmas!

Summer Term Documents
Check back closer to Easter!
Homework in Year 4
Below you will find details of Weekly Homework Expectations, and the arrangements for setting and submitting homework.
We heartily thank parents and carers for their support with homework – it really does make a difference to your child’s progress!
A spelling list is sent home each week and is posted on Google Classroom. Please practise these at least twice (or as often as necessary) before they are tested in school each week.