At Andrews’ Endowed CE Primary School we place a huge emphasis on Road Safety as part of our PSHE learning.
We work with Mr Susans, our Crossing Patrol who comes in to our school to support teaching and learning across all year groups.
In addition, our Junior Road Safety Officers also help to create a whole school community aspect when raising awareness on how to be safe around roads.
Here are some simples rules to help keep everyone safe.
1. Find a safe place to cross the road – use a crossing or cross with the Crossing Patrol Person or,if there’s no crossing nearby, cross where you can see the traffic along the road and where road users can see you.
2. Stop and look around – stand a short distance back from the kerb, take time to look in both directions.
3. Look and listen for traffic – use your eyes and ears to look and listen for traffic, you often hear traffic coming before you can see it.
4. Do not cross until it is safe to do so – if you see traffic coming, let it pass by. Cross when there is a safe gap allowing you plenty of time to reach the other side of the road.
5. Look and listen while you cross – when it’s safe to cross, walk don’t run straight to the other side, keep looking and listening as you do so.
Stay safe
We are always conscious that the road outside of our school is extremely busy at drop off and pick up times.
We regularly remind children about being safe around traffic and how to cross roads safely. We urge parents to be extra vigilant during these busy times too, especially with younger children who may not yet have learnt the dangers.
Older children should be reminded to:
- Stop, look, listen and think! before crossing.
- Not cross between parked vehicles.
- Cross at designated crossings with our Crossing Patrol, Mr Susans, where possible.
- Behave sensibly when near roads and crossing roads.
It is advised that younger children should:
- Hold their parents hand where possible when near or crossing roads
- Be taught to stop look listen and think!
- Not be allowed to run and play near roadsides.
It is also a good idea for children to wear reflective items when it is getting darker or when the weather causes poor visibility. Like all of our families at Birchwood, we want to ensure the safety of the children.