High Aspirations
Moral Strength
Spiritual Depth
- Andrews’ Endowed School is a Church of England Primary School for children from four to eleven years old.
- The original school was founded and endowed under the will of Thomas Andrews in 1719.
- Thomas Andrews was a local benefactor, who left money in his will for a school to be founded for the children of Holybourne and the surrounding villages.
- The School was granted Aided status under the 1944 Education Act.
- The school is owned by the Diocese but is given financial and educational support by Hampshire Education Authority.
- The school’s foundation is celebrated each year with a service in the Church of the Holy Rood at Holybourne, when our pupils lay posies at the tomb of Thomas Andrews.
- The original 18th Century schoolhouse is still in use, housing administrative offices, group rooms and the school library.
- Our children enjoy modern, spacious classrooms and have extensive outdoor space in which to learn and play.
- We pride ourselves on being a village school, a church school, and a family school.
- We are committed to retaining and maintaining the intimate, family-centred ethos of a village school.
- We provide a curriculum and learning environment which meets the needs of our children in the 21st Century.
- The Christian values of Love, Courage and Respect underpin everything that happens in our school.
We invite you to come and find out more about our family of learners.
I think I’ve learnt a lot since my first day at school in Acorns. I’ve made new friends, I’ve experienced new things and most of all I’ve made memories. I recommend Andrews’ Endowed School so you can make memories just like I have!
I appreciate the fact that the school is a place of connection and hope. I find it special when me and my friends get together to play and have fun.