our church links
We visit the Church of the Holy Rood regularly for celebration services, including Harvest Festival and our annual Founders’ Day Service which allows our children to experience a sense of the quality of silence and reflection, and a sense of transcendence and an awareness of there being something more to life than meets the eye. Members of the local parish community also come into school regularly, leading Collective Worship and helping in other ways around the school.
Our village links
We make good use of the village to support us in our history, geography and science work allowing our children to show a spirit of enquiry and open mindedness.
Intergenerational collaboration
Our children visit The Friends of the Elderly Residential Care Home, called ‘The Lawn’, at special times of the year, to sing and share with the residents. Our children also host different events for the pupils’ Grandparents such as a Grandparents’ Tea. Through these experiences, our children experience a sense of others as feeling, thinking persons.
PErforming in the village
Our Year 5 and 6 children perform their end of year production at Holybourne Youth Theatre.
Our children have also performed music at Treloar’s, whilst building a partnership with the students.