safe and healthy journeys
We are committed to encouraging safe and healthy journeys to school, and to helping to reduce traffic congestion in Holybourne caused by the school run.
Parents, carers and children are encouraged to reduce car use wherever possible by:
· Cycling (cycle helmets must be worn)
· Scooting
· Walking
· Park and walk – driving some way to school, then parking and walking or scooting the rest of the way
· Car sharing
· Participating in schemes such as ‘Walk to School’ week
Pupils understand that walking, cycling and scooting are good choices which contribute to a healthier lifestyle. We encourage families to walk, cycle or scoot wherever possible, as these activities increase children’s awareness of their local area and enable them to arrive at school alert and ready to learn.
Road safety
Our pupils are regularly taught about road safety. Year 6 pupils all learn cycle safety through the PedalPower scheme, a mix of classroom based and practical training which leads to pupils gaining a certificate in cycling proficiency.
We annually recruit Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) who attend a County conference on Road Safety and then cascade their knowledge to the rest of the children through leading assemblies, mounting poster campaigns and other activities. The JRSOs lead Road Safety Assemblies and run competitions to remind the children about safe use of the crossing and sensible behaviour when out on the roads.
Parents and carers are expected to park safely and considerately, paying heed to the rules of the road and with due consideration to local residents. Parents who block driveways, park on zigzags or street corners or who inhibit the day to day activities of those who live near the school endanger the lives of pedestrians and cause damage to the good reputation of the school.