“The love, caring nature of all the staff is amazing and makes my child love school everyday.”
At all times we aim to maintain a healthy and safe environment for your child to live and learn in. We recognise the importance of good pastoral care and also the issues of security.
We have qualified First Aiders to manage minor accidents and illnesses and we will always contact you if we consider that your child is too ill for lessons.
Please ensure that the contact telephone numbers we have for you are current. Let us know immediately in writing of any changes.
We manage behaviour in a kind but firm way through discussion and with care. Any difficulties may be resolved through discussion with the class teacher and parents will be involved at an early stage if a child’s behaviour is causing concern.
Bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If you have any suspicion that a child is being bullied, please discuss this with the child’s class teacher or with the head teacher.
Children who need to leave school during the day for any reason, need to be accompanied by a named adult and be collected from the school office. This is to ensure your child’s safety.
At the end of the school day any child not collected will be taken to the school office whilst parents or carers are contacted.
If a child needs to complete prescribed medication you are welcome to arrange this through the school office. Parents must complete documentation held at the school office and all medicines must be clearly labelled. Inhalers will normally be held in the school office, not by the child.
Although we do the best we can, the best place for children if they are genuinely ill is at home. We do encourage good attendance, and would usually expect a child to still be in school with a minor complaint such as a cough or cold. The exception to this is when a child has sickness or diarrhoea, when they should not return to school until 48 hours after symptoms have ceased. In cases where a child becomes unwell during school hours we will contact you or an emergency numbers you have given us. Should your child suffer an accident at school that requires hospital treatment, you will be contacted immediately. If you were unobtainable we would ensure your child is treated appropriately, whilst trying to make contact with one of your contacts.
Regular attendance is important and parents are asked to provide the school with written details of any occasions on which their children have been absent from school. Authorisation by the head teacher is necessary for any absences other than those due to illness. If a pupil has a medical or other appointment during school hours, a medical absence form should be completed and sent to the school. On the day of the medical appointment, your child will be collected from the school office. Children are not allowed to leave school unaccompanied during school hours. We would recommend wherever possible that appointments are not arranged during school hours.
in order to ensure that the children are secure and safe we constantly review our security procedures. All visitors enter the school via the main reception office where they will be asked to sign in and wear a lanyard.
We have set procedures in place to ensure the safety of the children in the event of a fire or other threat to their security. These are regularly reviewed with all school staff.
Your child’s safety is our most important concern. For this reason we ask for your help in these ways: Parents are not allowed to drive into the school grounds but are most welcome on foot. Please do not send someone to collect your child who is unknown to our staff without notifying us first, either by telephone, or by note at the start of the day. If you have to arrange for another parent to pick up your child at short notice, please let the school office know. We will not release a child to a friend’s parent without some form of confirmation from the child’s family, nor do we allow a well meaning parent to take another child home with them if that child’s parent is late to collect them. If, on a rare occasion, you think you may be running late to collect your child, please let us know in the school office.