Introduction We believe that homework can play an important part in the education of children and most of our parents and carers are in favour of their children having some homework to support their learning in school. We also recognise that homework is a voluntary activity and in order for it to work we rely on parental support. We accept fully that some parents and carers may not be able to spend as much time with each child on homework tasks as we suggest. Such time as may be given is much appreciated but is completely at parental discretion. Our homework policy recognises that family life comes before homework and families have different lifestyles. Many children have evening or weekend activities and time to relax is also important. The homework we set is intended to help each child’s education but not at the expense of family life. What is the rationale behind our arrangements for homework? In providing homework for our pupils, we aim to meet the following goals:
  • To support, enrich and extend the learning children experience in their classrooms
  • To enable children to practise and rehearse key skills
  • To provide structured opportunities for children to share their learning with parents or carers
  • To enable children, as they progress through the school, to take increasing responsibility for their homework, helping them to develop good learning habits in readiness for the next phase of their learning at Secondary School and beyond
Year Group Homework set How often set  
Acorns (EY) Number work and Phonics work suggestions, Reading books regularly with an adult at home Topic Project A weekly newsletter is sent home to parents/carers, sharing details of the work the children have been doing and what they will be doing in the week ahead Weekly 15 mins half termly 30 mins
Year 1 Alternates between literacy/numeracy: eg Numeracy task or game, or Writing Spellings Reading regularly with an adult at home (at least 5 times a week) Fortnightly 30 mins
Year 2 Two tasks to complete: one numeracy and one either literacy or topic based. Tasks range from writing, research, art, numeracy activity or worksheets. Spellings Reading regularly with an adult at home (at least 5 times a week) Fortnightly 40 mins


Year Group Homework set How often set Duration
Year 3 Literacy/Topic or Mathematics Reading regularly with an adult at home (at least 4 times a week) Spellings (5x spellings and sentences) Times tables Weekly 40 minutes
Year 4 Literacy/Topic or Mathematics Reading regularly with an adult at home (at least 3 times a week) Spellings Times tables Weekly 45 minutes
Year 5 Literacy/Topic – one task Mathematics – one task – maths activity or Mathletics Spellings Reading regularly, sometimes independently and sometimes to an adult to rehearse performance skills and have opportunities to discuss plot and character Weekly 1 hr to 1 hr 30 mins
Year 6 English/ Topic – one task Mathematics – one task – maths activity or Mathletics Spellings Reading Reading regularly, mostly independently but sometimes to an adult, to rehearse performance skills and have opportunities to discuss plot and character. Reading Lists are available to encourage children to read a variety of authors and genres. Weekly 1 hr 30 mins