What is Pupil Premium Funding?
Pupil premium funding from the government is given to schools to help pupils reach their full potential, regardless of their background or financial situation.
How Have we used our pupil premium previously?
Staffing provision for small group and 1:1 learning
Academic interventions such as Rapid Read
Wellbeing and self-esteem building interventions including ELSA
Ensuring equality for all pupils by funding trips, residentials or providing other resources our learners might need
Is my child eligible for free school meals?
Your child might be eligible if you access:
· Income Support
· Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance
· Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
· The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
· Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
· Working Tax Credit run-on
· Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income not exceeding £7,400 (£616.67 per month)
Have questions or need further information? Connect with us to discuss how we can tailor our resources to meet the unique needs of your child and ensure their success.